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Year 6 SATS

Year 6 SATS


At the end of Year 6, children in England sit tests in:  

  • Reading
  • Maths
  • Grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS)

These tests are both set and marked externally. The assessments are a way of making sure every child has mastered the basics when they leave primary education. The results help teachers to identify where children may need extra help or support as they move into year 7 and begin their secondary education. Your child’s individual results, for both tests and teacher assessment judgements, will not be published by either your child’s school or the Department for Education (DfE). However, school-level results of pupils’ attainment and progress are published on the DfE’s school performance tables website2 .



Please find below the dates for this year's SATs: 


Information for parents: 

Please find below information for parents from the DFE regarding Year 6 assessments 

Example papers: 

Have a look at these example papers to help you understand what the children are asked to do: 
