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Week beginning 12th April

Welcome to Summer Term!

It has been a lovely first week back for the children and many have noted today how quickly the week has flown by. Now that the weather is (gradually) getting warmer, we will be making even more use of our outdoor classroom area, which is very popular with the children.

 On Monday and Tuesday the class were taught by Mrs Allam, their new teacher and they have been enjoying getting to know her. For Maths this week, the class have worked on negative numbers and applying their knowledge in context. Today we carried out an investigation where Bill the chef kept overspending on his ingredients and running a deficit. The children then calculated how much money he would need to make on his meals in order to pay back his supplier.  

For Literacy this week we have had a big grammar focus, including recognising and applying modal verbs. The class had their spelling test on Wednesday- it was very clear to see who had remembered to practise over the Easter break! wink

On Thursday the class started cricket. A coach will be coming in every week for six weeks to deliver our cricket lessons and it was wonderful to see how much the children were improving in their technique after just one lesson. Today in Music the class have explored different types of music and how they can evoke a range of emotions. This linked it in to our PSHE topic, where we have so far discussed what makes us healthy, including how we can take care of our mental health and wellbeing. 


Have a fantastic weekend!
