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our work this week

This week we are learning all about a new character.  He is an elephant called Elmer.  At the start of our character investigations we found out that Elmer didn't like being different.  He tried to make himself the same as all the other elephants.  At the end of the story we found out that Elmer liked being different, his friends liked him for being him!


We also found out that the elephants in the story then decided to celebrate difference each year by holding and Elmer day.  This is where all the elephants decorated themselves and Elmer became elephant coloured.


What a wonderful story to find out about difference and how important it is to value each other.  We will be finding out much more about Elmer over the next half term and carrying out lots of Elmer activities.


One of our first activities was to decorate our very own Elephant for celebration day.  We found out that some colours are called primary colours, these are blue, red and yellow.  Did you know that other colours are made up of these?  We then used lots of patterns to create our own primary colour celebration elephant.


One other activity that will carry on throughout the half term is to identify words that we cant to find out more about - this week we have learnt decorate and recognise. 


We have also been finding out about jungles and creating our own jungle area in the classroom to retell Elmer stories.


Finally, this week we have been learning about addition - adding together - see the home link sheet for an activity that you can carry out at home to develop this understanding.


WOW - what a busy week!
