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Ash Class

Capture the flag with old Fir and new Fir. Good bye from ASH 2014/2015. 22.07.15

Ash Class have had an outstanding year! For us, it is goodbye to Ash. I wish all of the students in Ash Class of 2014/2015 the best of luck for their future! What a fantastic year we have all had!


From Miss Eaton

The tower challenge!

20-07-15 Ash class have been working on symmetry this week and we have got really good at making tricky designs for our partners. Have a look at our master pieces!

Symmetry in the sunshine!

1-07-15 This week Ash Class decided to mix subjects up a bit. We were learning French directions and so we thought why not make our own roads to follow directions on!

We worked in pairs one as the navigator and the other as a 'robot' who would only do what the navigator said; as long as it was in French!

French with a touch of PE!

Flower bed planting 24-06-15

24-06-15 Ash Class have had a really busy week this week rehearsing and planting flowers! We thought we would share some of our lovely pictures from planting. The design of our flower bed is witches hence the vibrant reds and cool colours to compliment them. 

22nd June 2015 Pie Corbett: Fun with sentences

This week Ash Class are playing with words and sentence structures. Using word games from Pie Corbett we have been manipulating simple sentences to create complex and exciting (and sometimes hilarious) sentences.

We have been focusing on key terminology such as:

determiners, prepositions, articles, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, subordinate clauses, embedded clause and relative clause.



18-06-15 Maths measuring task.

Ash Class have been looking at measure conversions this week. We have concentrated on cm and m! We even went outside to measure the perimeter of our flower bed!  

Welcome to Ash Class!


We are very pleased to intoduce our class page where we will be sharing some of the activities and learning experiences we have enjoyed doing over the school year.


Keep posted for updates, resources and photos this Summer Term.

8-06-15 Ash Class have also been concentrating on reasoning in maths this week. We had to build a maths question!



An aeroplane has 35 rows of seats. In each row there are three seats at each side and five seats in the middle. How many seats are there in total?

8-06-15 Ash Class have been learning about the rainforest and how important it is to us. We have had opportunities to debate on whether cutting down trees is fair on our planet, we have designed web pages to promote awareness on deforestation and the extinction of animals and we have also written information leaflets to inform other children about the beauty and mystery of the rainforest.


Fantastic Week Ash Class!

This week we worked with money and used our skills of measuring to find the difference in height and length!

This week in Ash class we will be adding and subtracting using money. If anyone is going to Tescos this week please get your children involved in the process!


During the course of this half term we are also studying the author, Jaqueline Wilson. The children will be reading Cliffhanger and Suit Case Kid. If you would like to encourage your children to read any of her books this is a perfect term to do so.


We are also designing and making African masks out of clay this half term. Please inform Miss.Eaton if you have any African art work as the children would love to look at it!

Ash class have been using number talk to represent 50 and 30 divided by 10

During this lesson Ash Class were looking at different representations of subtraction.

Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and more.


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let you Teacher know!


Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
