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Expectations for Home Learning

Expectations for home learning



Please see below of a model time table that we use in class.

You can use this to support your routines at home but please adapt it to meet your families needs.

There is now an national expectation for children in KS2 to work for 4 hours a day.


We have set activities that can be completed within four hours. If you have found on certain days you have a little time left over please find the key skills for year three on our home page. this includes things like keywords, times table, and handwriting. These are all activities that can be done without the need of printing.




I will be calling each of you at least once a week to check in on how you are all doing and offer any support that ay be required. I would like regular updates on your child's learning via e-mail. Please use our class e-mail address to do so. This is Please send at least a weekly e-mail.

