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Willow Class

Wednesday 22nd July 2015


The end of the school year has arrived! What a year Willow class has had...


  • Super hero day,
  • Swimming,
  • The school discos (epic),
  • Cambridge (summer school trip),
  • Fire fighter morning,
  • World book day (take two),
  • Amazing subjects including art, science, literacy, maths, French, D.T, R.E, handwriting,  history, music, P.E and geography
  • New TAs arriving, 
  • Going to Welney,
  • Den building,
  • The WOODS,
  • Sports day,
  • Buddy reading with Oak class,
  • The scarecrows and the planters,
  • The crochet castle,
  • The winter pantomime,
  • DEAR,
  • The school play (amazing),
  • Year six leavers,
  • and so many more that we will run out of space!


Willow class has had such a lovely time!

Monday 13th July 2015


Today we went on our school trip. First of all we registered to see who was here, then we boarded the coach. We felt very excited but we knew that it was going to be a long journey ahead.


As soon as we were in Cambridge, we walked to the front of the Sedgewick Museum. It was raining so we sheltered near the bikes. Eventually we walked up the slippery stone steps (we had to hold on to the rough stone banister) and entered the museum. 


At the entrance to the museum, there was a giant skeleton of a monster gazing at us... it was a dinosaur! We stopped and stared! Wow! (Some of us thought that it was staring back at us - creepy)! 


Several moments later we split into our groups and went our separate ways. Our time in the museum was awesome.


Did you know?

  • Charles Darwin was born in 1809 and died in 1882,
  • He went to university at the age of 16 to study medicine,
  • He had a son called George,
  • Charles Darwin was a famous geologist, but is renowned for developing his theory of evolution,
  • Charles Darwin is on the back of a £10 note and £2 coin,



Thursday 9th July 2015


During our maths lesson this afternoon, all of Willow Class met Miss Bridges (our new class teacher). 

She joined in with our learning and took the time to get to know us while we worked.

We were completing a maths challenge involving squares. We conjectured and then looked for patterns. The words we used were: perpendicular, parallel, translate and equidistant. 

The maths challenge...

Wednesday 1st July 2015


Today we have been learning about proportionality in mathematics. We have been looking for relationships between different parts of our body. So far we have discovered that our height is roughly the same as our arm-span. 

We measured our arms, feet, circumference of our heads and wrists.


Are there relationships between different parts of your body? Do we all have the same proportions? Are a child's proportions the same as an adults?


Wednesday 24th June 2015

This afternoon we took part in the whole school summer production dress rehearsal! It went very well and we can't wait to share with you what we have put together.

Wednesday 17th June 2015


This afternoon we were cooking! We had a great time tasting herbs and spices!

Buddy reading with Oak Class

Monday 15th June 2015


Today we have had fun buddy reading with Oak Class. Look at our pictures of buddy reading above. 

We went to Oak Class (down the corridor), we found our buddy then we started to share our books. Whilst holding our books, we all had fun with the year sixes. 


"Buddy reading is awesome and cool!" Erin, Chloe and Leoni.


"We were reading, (it was fun)!" Leah and Faith.


"I am happy because we were sharing our books which is kind." Alfie.


"I like having buddy reading because it gives us a chance to share our reading skills." Ebony and April-Marie


Willow Class loves reading!

Week beginning Monday 8th June 2015

It has been a busy week so far! We have written our scripts for the up coming summer production in a few weeks time. It was challenging but we have loved getting inside the minds of our characters. Willow class have been working on facial expressions ready for the big performances.

In maths this week we have been learning to tell the time and solving time word problems. On Thursday we have a special secret maths challenge... (shhhh)!

In geography we have developed our understanding our locality by looking at a Manea from space. 

Amazingly we went on our first swimming lessons with school on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun. We have been learning different strokes and developing our confidence in the water. Watch this space... who knows what will happen next!

Tuesday 2nd June 2015

After weeks of learning about stories and how they are structured, our familiar settings topic is coming to an end! We decided that our final stories would include a familiar setting (our school) and an unfamiliar setting that could be anywhere, either real or imaginative.

Look at our stories...

Watch out! Soon they'll be on display in the lower key stage two corridor!

Welcome to Willow Class’ page!


In the summer term we are reading Matilda as part of our focus on Familiar settings in literacy. Our science topic will be Teeth and then changes of state (solids, liquids and gases).

Swimming starts on Tuesday 9th June. Remember to have your swimming kit ready!

In geography we are learning about our locality and reading maps. We will be going on a trip to the pit in the week beginning 15th June. 

It's summer production time! Keep on the look out for additional information about costumes and props for Willow Class' adventurous contribution.



Our class book

Willow Class' summer trip!


On Monday 13th July 2015 Willow class and Ash class are going to Cambridge. 

Thursday 4th June 2015

Today we went on a trip to our local woods. This was all to do with Den week! We have talked and thought about homeless people and how they feel in the situations they are in. We worked in teams to build dens to shelter us, and help keep us safe and warm. 

It was hard work! But it was rewarding to build something from nothing!

Our familiar setting stories...

It's that time again! Outdoor adventures... trips to the woods and the pit in our wonderful village of Manea. Any parents or carers interested in getting involved in Willow Class' learning please come and see Miss Booden at either the start or end of the school day. 


We look forward to sharing our learning with you!

The life bus

Monday 1st June 2015

Today Willow Class went on the life bus. On the life bus we learnt about our brain and our body. We helped out Harold and his friends by solving their problems. This afternoon we remembered and talked about different parts of the body. We learnt about what keeps us healthy and what can make us unhealthy.

Suddenly, the teacher opened the curtain and we met Tam and her body parts. We knew lots about our bodies.

Did you know...

If you flattened an adults lungs it would be the same size as a tennis court... that is really big!

We were really excited and happy.

Happily, we stroked Harold as we left the bus and said good bye. 


A report by Willow Class.

Thursday 21st May 2015


Today is the last day before half term. We have been dressed up for a belated book day. How many characters can you see?

This afternoon we have been observational drawing...

Observational drawings

Book character day #selfie

V.E. Day

Friday 15th May 2015

Last Friday, on the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, Willow class learnt about peoples' experiences and discussed their emotions. They agreed that the day 70 years before had been bittersweet for so many people who had lost loved ones. Their incredible and heartfelt writing is now on display in class for all to see.

Have a look at the video that inspired us in our learning...

All You Need To Know About VE Day

8th May 2015 sees the 70th Anniversary of VE Day, the end of the Second World War in Europe. In this short video The Royal British Legion tells you all you need to know about this historic day.

The Science Market

Duck Adventures

Friday 8th May 2015

Willow took part in the science market stall in the hall this afternoon. Their work on the ducklings was put on display alongside Oak Class' work related to finding information about ducklings. 

Year three's activity including guessing the weight of the ducks and different stages of its growth then comparing it to the results they had gathered. Willow class explored the stalls of the other classes finding out about the other science topics they had been learning about over the two weeks.

Duck challenge...

Since our surprise arrival on Monday 27th April, Willow class have been extremely excited! We have had several mini-trips to Pine Class to see who has taken up residence there. On Wednesday the eggs began to hatch and before we knew it, we had five new ducklings in school.

We'll keep you posted on their progress!

Bucket filling!

Thursday 16th April 2015

This week we read this book as part of our PSHE project. We learned about bucket filling and dipping.

Did you know?

  • Everyone has their own invisible bucket,
  • This is used to keep all your good feelings and things that make feel good,
  • You can fill a bucket by sharing a smile or saying nice things,
  • But, you dip into a bucket by saying mean things or by ignoring someone.

Have you filled a bucket today?

Willow class' bucket is overflowing this week.

What Manea means to us...

Willow Class' traffic project

Monday 13th April 2015

Today Willow class started their Transport topic work. We went outside to look for different types of transport and record how many there were of the different types. We used our tally making skills to record the information quickly and accurately.

We found that there was more traffic this morning than this afternoon. Our village is a lot busier than we thought it would be!

We will be continuing our work on transport by looking at how transport has changed over time.

Afternoon at the woods!

After learning about Hadrian's Wall as part of our Romans topic, we went to the woods with Ash class. During our time there we built walls to defend and protect. Willow class used natural materials to create these defenses.

The Big Numbers Song

It's a numbers song for children and adults. Count from 0 to 100 and from a hundred to a trillion. This song was written and performed by A.J. Jenkins. Video by KidsTV123. Copyright 2011 A.J.Jenkins/KidsTV123: All rights reserved.

James Blunt on Sesame Street

Learning about triangles.
