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1st June 2020


So I've had a couple of emails about not being able to get on to the website. For some reason, the website doesn't want people accessing both the Maths and English at the same time. How bizarre.


Use this link: and then choose the one you need (English or Maths).


If it comes up with permission denied, then do this:

- Click on the bit that says go back to free resources to refresh the feed.

- On that new page, click on 'Free resources' at the top, then 'Primary (F-KS2)', and then Year 6 Transition Resources.

- Now you are on the above link and it should all work fine!


SHOULD being the important part. Let me know! It's worked for me no problem using that method.


----------- is another maths sheet to  push your understanding- we have done the questions on the pages further down in school.



Hello again, and welcome to the final half term of your time at Primary School! It is all very bizarre, I know, but the goal is to keep on giving you some entertaining tasks and improving your knowledge!


The work you guys have been sending in has really dropped off in terms of quantity over the last few weeks. I know we have just had half term, so  I'm not too fussed about this week just gone... but let's see if we can boost it up- I miss opening my emails and see 20 different messages on a Monday morning! It's in no way about me checking up on you; I just like seeing your work! A big thank you to those who have kept on sending their work in.


Although I have things that need covering in terms of topic, Maths and English are now very open ended. If there are things you would like us to do, or you want recapping, let me know and I will see what I can do!


Thank you to everyone who sent in their work recently- let's see what they have been up to!



To ease in this half-term, I thought we could cover something we haven't looked at before- reviews!


How do we know if something is good or not? Why should we spend our money? Well fortunately, there are people out there who look at a product and decide whether it is any good or not! Many things are reviewed- films, songs, albums, plays, books, laptops, phones, clothes, restaurants, holiday destinations... if you can buy it, there is probably a review for it! But what makes a good review? Well, that's for you to find out!


That is your writing website for the week (the writing section)

- I would like you to watch the videos, which will teach you the features.

- I'd like you to have a go at the activities- use the final activity to plan your actual task

- I'd like you to write a review of something- a film, a book, a show you have seen, a product like a phone... it's up to you! Here are some examples


How you present this is up to you, it  can be handwritten or done on something like Publisher or Word. 



This is your website this week. Please make sure you ONLY do AVERAGES, because we may well do the other 2 at different times.


I'd like you to make your way through the videos and activities, and then have a go at the different challenges at the bottom. We have covered averages at school, but primarily focused on the 'mean'- this will help to build your understanding of the others, which you will do a lot more of in secondary school!


We've used this additional challenge sheet at school to really push ourselves!

Reading and Mrs Wordsmith


Keep up the reading at home and the accelerated reader tests! Here's your work for the week: 



So I have a pretty strong hunch that not many people have done the Galapagos task from last week. As such, I'm not going to add too much more on because I would like you to produce a really high quality factfile on the Islands.


However, I will give you a bit of relief in the form of art! Being good at ddrawing is something that can absolutely be learnt, and I want you to have a go at becoming a better drawer! I'm going to link you to some videos of different sketching skills, and I would like you to have a go at the different tasks! Send me your results, and we can have our very own art gallery next week.

Start Drawing: PART 1 - Outlines, Edges, Shading

In this art tutorial video I'll show beginners to drawing how to draw by learning basic techniques in a step by step approach. In Part 1 I explain how to hol...

How to Draw Eyes

Nature scenery drawing for beginners / easy and step by step

How to Draw Trees

These videos cover different skills, and maybe you can use the other links down the side of those videos to help you out! 


The other bits


Keep up the PE with Joe. Have you thought about yoga Why not try this video:

Yoga For Kids | Play In The Park | Yoga With Adriene


Have a go at this outside. Bring your phone, tablet or laptop and have a go, being one with nature!

Here's your countdown conundrum for the week:


Y   L   T   S   P   P   A   U


And the riddle is....


A basket contains 5 apples. How do you divide them among 5 children so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket?
